• How to book an appointment?

    Please fill out the inquiry form on the website to give us some details of your project. After reviewing the request, the artist will be in touch with you with booking information, or request further details if needed. The average respond time is 3-5 days. Also make sure to be checking your spam.

    Also make sure to check your spam.

  • What is the shop minimum?

    We have a shop minimum of $100/session for black, $150 for color tattoos.

  • When do I see my design?

    You will see your final design at the beginning of your session. We don’t send out final designs prior to the session to prevent leak. However, you can request rough sketches before the session for communication purposes.

  • Can I change my design on the day of the session?

    A reasonable amount of changes can be made on the day of your session. Including size, color, small composition adjustments, fonts…etc.

    However, if you want to change the design completely last minute, please allow our artist some more time to make the design for you. In the case of redesigning, if the design process takes up your allotted appointment time, we will have to reschedule you with another deposit.

  • How should I prepare for my session?

    Eat a good meal, rest well, stay hydrated and wear loose, comfortable dark color clothing that can easily expose the tattoo area.

    Moisturize the tattoo area for a few days before coming to the session. Please avoid getting fake tans, sunburns, scratches or any kind of skin damage before and after the session.

    Bringing a little snack or something sweet is always a good idea. Please arrive sober and avoid drinking alcoholic beverages the day before.

  • Do tattoos hurt?

    It hurts. But usually tolerable. you can pinch yourself really hard in the area you want to get tattoos to test out the pain level. It generally feels like ant bite or cat scratches.

    Also refer to this Tattoo Pain Chart

  • How do I take care of my new tattoo?

    1. Keep bandage on for 2-3 days depending on your condition.

    2. Remove bandage in shower, gently remove any dried blood and plasma, let dry and apply a thin layer of unscented ointment.

    3. Keep tattoo clean and moisturized with gentle soap and unscented ointment at least 2 times a day for 2 weeks or until your tattoo is fully healed.

    4. Avoid picking at your tattoo when it is peeling.

    5. Avoid soaking and direct sunlight for at least 2 weeks when your tattoo is settling in.

    Tattoo healing Process video

  • Is the studio handicapped accessible?


    For your convenience, our studio is fully ADA Compliant. We are located on the ground floor and has ramp instead of stairs.